Fire can be a powerful, destructive potential of energy. Learn the science of fire, and you can both stop fires before damage is caused and put them out safely. Of course, the fire triangle is one fundamental concept of fire safety measures. Let us now understand this, and see how to interrupt it for effective extinguishing of fire:

Introduction to the Fire Triangle:

Picture a triangle. At each point is a critical element required for the fire to be present. If any of those elements were taken away, then the fire triangle comes falling—the flames go out.

Elements of the Fire Triangle:

  • Heat: The ignition source or the spark that starts the fire. This could be an open flame, electrical issues, or friction.
  • Fuel: Combustible material heated to its ignition temperature. Any material that will burn, including wood, paper, cloth, rubber, or even plastic or gasoline.
  • Oxygen: The element supporting combustion. It is normally plentiful in the air, which comprises 21% of the atmosphere.

Breaking the Fire Triangle:

A knowledge of the fire triangle helps fight the fire. At this point, let's learn how to break the fire triangle:

  • Cooling: Take the heat away with water, a fire extinguisher, or even a fire blanket to smother the fire.
  • Fuel Removal: If it is possible, take away the burning substance from the heat source. For example, a person can take away a burning pot from the stovetop.
  • Oxygen Removal: Smothering the fire with a non-flammable material like a fire blanket takes the oxygen supply.

Fire Extinguishers [Fire Fighting Equipment] Types

The classification of fire extinguishers is based on the kind of fire that they can extinguish. 

Class A: Ordinary combustibles like wood, paper, and textile

Class B: Liquid fires such as gasoline and oil

Class C: Fires on electrical equipment

Class D: Combustible chemical fires

Fire Prevention Tips:

  • Never allow yourself to be away from food while cooking.
  • Periodically check electrical appliances for worn or exposed wiring.
  • Flammable liquids need to be kept in labeled containers and away from possible ignition sources.
  • Smoke detectors and fire alarms should be installed and should be kept working in the house.
  • Make up a fire escape plan.
  • Plan and practice getting out of your living place.

Emergency Response and Safety

If you discover a fire:

  • Get out of the building quickly, and safely
  • Call the fire department from some safe location
  • Don't try to put out a large fire — firefighting is the domain of trained professionals.


Learning the fire triangle and being careful about fire safety can reduce the risk at home or in the workplace by many multiples. After all, a small amount of knowledge will do the most to secure both you and your loved ones. Part of that information is in preparing by also having fire extinguishers or fire suppression systems at home. Be prepared and informed of what to face in fire emergencies.