Measurement Instruments

What is the use of measuring instruments? Well, they are devices that can guarantee precise work related to measurement solutions, testing instruments, and more. Without wasting much of your time, let’s take a look at the details.


Industrial Process Controllers


Industrial process controllers are devices that help with monitoring and even sometimes controlling machinery and processes of a huge number of industry verticals. These devices are widely used in chemical and pharmaceutical industries, biotechnology and energy industries, water or wastewater and plastics industries, oil and gas industries, food and beverage industry, and more. The reason for using such a device is simple. 


Right from industrial preparation to processing, and even manufacturing systems are highly automated. Hence, it can ensure that the energy and raw materials get consumed in an efficient manner. This is where there is a need to measure pressure levels and flow rates in a reliable and precise manner, especially when working in harsh, humid, and dusty conditions. The industrial process controllers are helpful to measure corrosive, aggressive, and explosive liquids and gasses. Well, some common applications in industrial process control are level sensing




Do you have any idea about Solarimeters? No! You have nothing to worry about. It’s a type of measuring instrument that helps in measuring the flow of solar radiation including direct and diffused ones. These devices are simply perfect for analyzing sunshine for short, intermediate, and even long-term periods. For measuring the solar radiation, it makes use of the photovoltaic effect for measuring the solar radiation amount that reaches the surface. 


In a similar manner, the solarimeters use the photovoltaic effect to check if the photovoltaic system is having the same kind of response. We know very well that the reduction in energy production of a photovoltaic system is caused because of high temperature. But to know how much energy a photovoltaic system is generating, it’s important to know the energy amount reaching the photovoltaic module surface. Hence, solar radiation measurement sensors like solarimeters help detect solar radiation.


Airflow Meter


Having a proper idea about an airflow meter is very important. This device is also known as an airflow sensor which helps with the measurement of airflow rate. In other words, it helps in measuring air velocity. Apart from measuring the velocity of air, it also measures airflow.


There are various reasons for measuring airflow. Within industrial applications, an airflow meter helps to explore the thermal mass flow or better be said for measuring combustion air to boiler fuel. It is also known for monitoring the compressed air present within the industrial processes.


Thermo Hygrometers


Humidity measurement is very important for industrial applications. Well, thermo hygrometer has sensors that measure the humidity of the air and temperature of the air. The two qualities get displayed as a computerized portrayal and changed over into the ideal unit.


These are some of the measurement instruments that are widely used in various industrial settings.